

(This information was updated in March 2021)

All Souls Anglican Church was built in 1916.  It is a classically designed church containing beautiful and famous stained glass windows with a long aisle perfect for the bridal procession.

Please down load the  information sheet HERE to make planning easier for both the wedding party and for the Parish.

 Confirmation of the booking, by payment of an Administrative Fee of $100, will ensure that you have use of the church for the required date and time. 

You may wish to have someone other than the Parish Priest to officiate at your ceremony in All Souls’ Church.  Please discuss this with the Parish Priest.  

It is usual for Bible verses to be used, however there are many appropriate verses available for readings.  Please discuss your preferred choice, or ask for advice, when speaking with the Rector.  

Parish organist:
Contact the Parish Organist, Brenton Brockhouse, on 0437 162 197 to discuss your music choices or ask for recommendations.

Live Music:        
Arrange for a time when performers can inspect the church facilities for the placing of performers. We request that you do this at least a week prior to the ceremony to ensure there is no confusion on the day.  

Pre-recorded Music:     
The church has limited electronic music facilities but has a number of microphones and  good facilities for spoken amplification. It may be necessary to make arrangements to bring and install electrical equipment. Please inspect the church for placing of equipment at least a week prior to the ceremony.  You will also need to provide a person to operate equipment during the ceremony.

The Parish does not provide flowers but  access to the church can be organised to have flowers arranged prior to the ceremony.

You can tie or hang flowers/bows on the ends of the pews. No drawing pins or adhesives please.

Confetti is not permitted at All Souls. Dried rose petals are easily obtained from florists or your family may wish to gather and prepare them. Unfortunately, fresh rose petals produce a slipping hazard when crushed under foot and we ask that dried petals only be used.

Administration Fee:        $100 (Payment confirms booking and is not refundable)
Wedding Fee:                    $900 (includes the Priest, the Church and the Organist)

You will receive an invoice 2 months before the wedding for the appropriate amount to be paid at least 6 weeks prior to the day. You can pay by:

  1. Direct transfer to the Church account at Bank SA BSB 105-169 Account 759245140. You must include the invoice number and your name.
  2. Cheques should be made payable to “Parish of All Souls St Peters” and sent with your reply slip to PO Box 311, Stepney SA 5069

If you wish to print any of the Order of Service from A Prayer Book for Australia, you must adhere to the following conditions:

  • The wedding booklet must be dated.
  • Every copy of the reproduction must carry the following acknowledgement:  ‘Copyright 1995, The Anglican Church of Australia Trust Corporation. From the text of A Prayer Book for Australia, published under the imprint of Broughton Books. Reproduced with permission.’
  • Each hymn or poem must acknowledge the author and include appropriate copyright information. (See the Rector about this)







