Economic hardship does not deter the generosity of Big-hearted Adelaide residents who donated to the recent annual food drive at All Souls’ Parish, St Peters, despite the rising cost of living.
First time co-ordinator of the project, Emma Robinson, said:
“From conversations with people bringing in donations, it was clear that they were aware of how much need there is, and how many people are ‘doing it tough’. This seemed to make them even more determined to be generous and help, despite economic hardships that affect everyone, like mortgage rate rises and increased food and energy costs.”
The Winter Food Collection in aid of the AnglicareSA Magdalene Centre in Gilbert Street, started in 2007 when an All Souls’ parishioner reported that the food distribution shelves at the Centre were empty. An emergency collection of non-perishable foods was quickly organised, and a team of helpers dropped advertising flyers into local letterboxes and businesses in surrounding suburbs.

It grew into an annual tradition that sees residents of St Peters, College Park, Joslin, Royston Park and Marden donate goods to the collection. Parishioners’ friends and families who live outside those areas also contribute. Donations are non-perishable food and hygiene products, infant supplies and “treats”. “This year there was also an emphasis on pet food, to try and help prevent people in hard times from having to surrender much-loved pets. People experiencing homelessness will often choose to feed their pet before themselves, ” Emma added.
“Many contributors said they kept an eye out for the flyer in their letterbox and looked forward to a chance to ‘do their bit’ to help others. This is evidence of the important place that the church plays in the local community. ”
The food collection has grown from a quantity that could be transported in two large vehicles in the early days, to now requiring to be transported by truck.