The Covid 19 Pandemic meant churches were closed for services at the end of March 2020.

Julia blessed the palm crosses in an empty church.

Good Friday was observed and the Pascal candle was lit on Easter Day in the empty church as Julia kept everyone in touch through prayer, and with a little help from technology.

Repairs were made to a fallen arch at the entrance to the church, and two endangered windows were repaired and returned to their places.

Drive-through church offered prayers, blessings and some outdoor gossip-at-a-distance.
Skype coffee and chat sessions also kept people in touch.
The church bells rang every day at 12 noon to remind all who could hear that they were not alone.
Meanwhile, parishioners were also busy and shared their activities. See what they were doing by clicking below:
From a Distance in 2020
Some services resumed in June with all services returning at the beginning of July. A combined Service of Celebration was held at the end of August.
A congregation of 60 people sang much loved Christmas carols and listened to the story of the Nativity.

The Anglicare Singers led the congregation in the carols as well as singing specially arranged performance songs.
A retiring collection resulted in a donation of $391 that was sent to Anglicare to aid its valuable support for the homeless and those in need.
The first Sunday of Advent takes the theme of Hope and as this year’s guest speakers are focusing on the Arts, Julie Almond spoke about her love of reading, opera and music and the part that Hope plays in them all.
At the conclusion of the service, Elizabeth Westphalen spoke about the great contribution that Ruth Devine has made to All Souls Parish and presented her with a gift from the Parish. On behalf of her many friends, Elizabeth wished Ruth well as she returns to her roots in Sydney to be near her family.

Following the service, the congregation moved outside to the car park where Julia blessed Mano and Nish de Mel’s new car.
Past and present parishioners attended All Souls’ Patronal Festival on Sunday 1st November. The Rev’d Canon Jenny Wilson presided over communion, preached an insightful sermon (see Sermons for a copy), and renewed friendships from her days as Curate at All Souls’ Parish.
Following the service, morning tea was shared (in a COVID-safe manner!) in Coles Hall. As usual, the coffee, food and fellowship was enjoyed by all.
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Friends of the Parish complement Brenton on the organ to make joyful music
Sunday 25th October was a red-shirt day for the Parish. Workers wore red shirts to identify themselves, and they worked hard! Saturday afternoon was spent moving goods across the road from Kay Hall and setting up stalls in Coles Hall. On Sunday morning, Parishioners, families and friends all worked hard to present an amazing array of bargains for the keen buyers who were waiting for the doors to open at 12 noon. For four hours everyone did their best to convince customers that they really needed to buy the treasures on display. Over $3,300 was raised in just one afternoon! This money will be used to make repairs to Coles Hall. A huge THANK YOU to all of the workers.
Face Painter
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Fiona, the face painter, with a customer
The first Sunday of the month usually means extra musicians contribute to the 9.30 am service. September’s service was no exception and enjoyed additional input from parishioners and visitors. The regular support from the Cambeltown City Band provided plenty of brassy support to Brenton at the organ.

During Holy Communion Sue sang and played an arrangement of the 23rd Psalm by Paul Kelly called “In the Middle of the Air”.

At the conclusion of the service Chris and Ian joined Brenton to perform the well-loved hymn “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind” (or as they prefer it in PC-land “Dear Father Lord of Humankind”)
Sunday 30th August saw all parishioners join for a single service of thanksgiving for the ability to celebrate Holy Communion in the church again.
Julia invited the congregation to place a stone as a memorial of freedoms lost during the pandemic. Above the cross is the last arrangement of flowers used before the closure of the church in April to remind us of the past.
The floral cross created during the service was a symbol of the future and celebrated the return of gatherings of faith. Musical celebration was provided by organist Dr Warren Bourne who relieved organist Brenton as he recovers from eye surgery. Elizabeth and Nish assisted Julia during the service.
Sunday 9th August 2020
It was a joy to welcome members of the Campbelltown City Brass Band to play with Brenton today. He is our organist, but also plays tuba for the Brass Band.
Brenton’s son Chris joined him to perform a duet of Vivaldi’s “Winter”, especially arranged by Brenton.
Saturday 1st August was the date set for the delayed Annual Winter Food Collection.
As has been the practice in previous years, Parishioners distributed information flyers to homes in the suburbs surrounding All Souls’ Parish. While walking around the local streets, some Parishioners discovered muscles that hadn’t been used for some time!
On the Saturday morning, the food started coming in – and kept on coming. People who had not previously donated said they believed it was a time when the community should support those in greater need. The volunteers receiving and sorting the donations were kept busy all day.
Ann and Lionel, the driving force behind the annual collection since its inception 13 years ago, were surprised and thrilled with the response from the community.
THANK YOU to volunteers, and to the local community for donating goods that are urgently needed by The Magdalene Centre to support people in need.
Special Vestry Meeting 9.15am, Sunday 16 August
A special Vestry Meeting will be held to vote on the motion that:
“Vestry requests the sum of $37 000 from the All Souls‟ Anglican Church Endowment Trust to cover the cost of repairs to the church roof, that is, „for the upkeep of the Church, including the fabric of its building‟ as stipulated in the Trust deed.”
The meeting and motion are necessary to move ahead on the repairs to the roof, the first of many elements that need attention. To qualify to vote, you need to have received Communion at least three times in the last year. Please speak to a member of Parish Council if you have questions/comments. There will be time in the meeting for limited discussion. – Parish Council