Blessing for Andy and family
The Parish blessed Andy and family as they left for their new parish. Click HERE if you would like to read the blessing.
Andy and Dee say Farewell to All Souls
A full congregation turned up to hear Andy preach at the service on Sunday 30th December and assure Andy, Dee and family that their years of service have been valued and that they will be missed. The morning tea at Coles Hall that followed was a joyful and tearful occasion with memories of the past and hopes for the future. Gifts from the parish will travel to Stirling Parish with the Wurm family, together with the best wishes of parishioners from the 17 years of Andy’s ministry at All Souls’, St Peters.
Grace’s Small Stall was not so small!

Sunday 16th December may have been a bit wet but that didn’t stop Grace (seen here with her Dad Jim) and her staff from setting up outside of Coles Hall with their treasury of Christmas crafts and other goodies. Well done and thanks to all contributors and customers. Grace’s Small Stall made $450! This money will be donated towards the restorations of the beautiful windows of All Souls’ Church.
All Souls’ Commemoration Service

On 11th November, 2018, All Souls’ Parish welcomed Archbishop Geoffrey Smith as we celebrated All Souls’ Day on the centenary of Armistice Day. Parishioners, and friends and family of past parishioners, attended a moving service to remember those who have lost their lives in service to their countries in times of war, and all loved ones no longer with us.
Following the service, Coles Hall filled with the noise of friendly chatter, the smell of ‘real’ coffee and the silence from mouths full of delicious home-made goodies.
Andy and Dee head for The Hills
We will farewell Andy, Dee and family when Andy assumes his new position as rector of the Stirling Parish at the beginning of 2019. Andy’s last sermon will be heard on Sunday 30th December, but we still have plenty of time to reflect upon his wisdom during the next couple of months. Farewell functions will be planned.
September Morris Windows Tour
Parishioners welcomed visitors to our beautiful church and shared the wonders of the widows. The change of day for the tour to a Saturday allowed people who are unable to attend during the week to come along and enjoy the event. Thank you to everyone for your help. The next tour will be on Wednesday 7th November so keep the date clear.
Parish Lunch on Sunday 26th August
A merry group of parishioners gathered at the Marryatville Hotel for lunch and an opportunity to catch up with friends. Better late than never – we were delighted that Tiffany found us! A last minute rearrangement of tables to accommodate another gathering earned everyone a coffee “on the house” for being good sports. Once again, thanks to Ann for arranging the event.
Morris Windows Tours
Another successful tour was held on Wednesday 8th August. Money from the sale of booklets and note cards, together with donations from supportive visitors, is a valuable contribution towards the running of the Parish. Many thanks to the Parishioners who give a couple of hours of their time, and some plates of food, to making these mornings a success.
The next tour will be on Friday 28th September, so if Wednesdays are not suitable, perhaps you would like to help on a Friday.
Sunday at the Concert Hall
A small group of parishioners met at the Norwood Concert Hall on Sunday 8th July to listen to a wonderful performance by the Norwood Symphony Orchestra. Their “Fate and Fury” concert began with Rossini’s lively The Thieving Magpie Overture followed by orchestral support of a beautiful duet of violin and viola (from husband and wife musicians Ji Won Kim and Caleb Wright) in Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Viola K367. Finally, Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4 began with resounding brass, tiptoed through delightful pizzicato and finished with a lyrical Russian folk song as its theme.
Further investigation shows that The Norwood Symphony Orchestral Society was incorporated in 1957 but operated as the Unley Orchestral Society since 1923. The Orchestra is made up of amateur and professional musicians, including members of the ASO.
The Norwood Symphony Orchestra will present their next concert on Sunday 7th October. Mark it in your diary for another Parish outing.
You will see these amazing flowering agave in the side garden of the church. Their botanical name is Furcraea foetida and their spectacular flowering spikes make a dramatic effect.
Annual Winter Food Collection
The annual winter collection when ahead on Saturday, in spite of the cold wintry weather. Of course this is the sort of weather when these goods are most desperately needed and many parishioners were on hand to welcome and thank the donors.

Some donors took the opportunity to look around our beautiful church. It was a time for parishioners to chat and meet visitors, helped by fresh coffee and Ann’s delicious chocolate muffins.

Many thanks to everyone who gave, welcomed, collected, sorted and delivered.
Pot Luck Dinner
A genial group of Parishioners shared delicious winter food and fellowship at the Parish Hall on Saturday 2nd June. Following the meal, Owen Crees gave an illustrated presentation about Angel Flight. Many were not aware of the services offered by Angel Flight and of the many volunteers who ensure that these services are available for people who live in isolated or remote country areas that do not have essential medical support.
Donations offered during the evening will support the running of the Parish.
Cultural Tourism returns to All Souls Church
Our second group of William Morris tourists shared morning tea and enjoyed the beauty of our church on Wednesday 2nd May. Once again, thanks to those who provided morning tea, served and welcomed our appreciative visitors. Special thanks to Brenton – our well-informed historian – who presented his rapt audience with a fascinating walk through All Souls’ history. Click on the following link to see Brenton in action.
The Parish is paid for each visitor, and visitors also purchase cards and books as souvenirs of their visit. What an enjoyable way to support the Parish and meet people!
Produce sales raise funds for the Parish
Parishioners are invited to share excess produce with others, and help raise funds for the parish at the same time. So far this year the sale of figs, cucumbers, limes and herbs have resulted in over $50 being raised. There are no prices but take what you need and pay what you can. Don’t forget to bring some change whenever you come – you never know what might be available next Sunday! Every little bits helps.
William Morris Windows – Tour
On Wednesday 11th April, members of the congregation welcomed 23 William Morris devotees to All Souls Church to learn about and enjoy our wonderful historical windows. Morning tea was shared, together with stories about the church and the visitors’ tour. The tourists, from all over Australia and New Zealand, expressed their delight in All Souls’ many fine windows and in the “light filled space”. It also created an opportunity for parishioners to chat and learn more about each other while meeting people from outside of the congregation.
The next Tour will take place on Wednesday 2nd May, so please come along and enjoy an enjoyable morning together. Contact Sue Crees (0419 745 456) for more information.
Zoe and Grace (with a little help from some ‘big kids’ in the congregation) displayed their talents as Egg Design Artists at the 9.30 am Palm Sunday Service.

A good roll up allowed the meeting to proceed smoothly. Andy Wurm announced Sara Blunt as the new Rector’s Warden and Colin McLeay was elected unopposed as People’s Warden.
Ann Peisley and Sue Crees were elected to serve on Parish Council along with Andy, Sara and Colin. Andy also appointed Ali Brookman as a Parish Council member.
The Vestry Meeting passed a motion to request Parish Council to accept the quotation from G-Force Building & Consulting Pty Ltd for repairs to the interior of the church. Following Diocesan approval of the contract, the Trust Fund will provide the funds to enable the repairs to commence. For more information about G-Force, please click the following link.
It was also resolved that further investigation be made into the cost of repairs to the housing of the organ bellows to reduce the damage caused by falling plaster.
In addition, an inspection of the stained glass windows revealed serious damage that will require attention in the near future.
Is 2018 the year that you will become more involved in All Souls’ Parish?

22 years as Music Director for the Parish has not passed unnoticed or unappreciated. Keep up the good work Brenton.
Are you a musician who would like to help out occasionally? Let Brenton, or any member of the Parish, know if you can help on an occasional or regular basis.
Financial record keeping – Jan and Ross have counted and banked the weekly collections for many years and helped numerous Treasurers with other financial duties. Thank you!
Thanks to Ruth for taking over this year.
Flower arranging – Helen has arranged flowers (stunning arrangements!) and organised the Guild timetables for many years. Thank you!
Can YOU arrange flowers? Some of us are quite useless in this department – we urgently need people to maintain the beautiful presence of nature within our worship.
These are just a few of the dedicated workers who have kept the Parish going for the past 40+ years. New recruits welcome.
We urgently need sides-persons, readers and lay assistants for both the 8.00 am and 9.30 am services.
The Sanctuary Guild needs new members to ensure that the church looks well-cared for and welcoming. Polishing brass for a couple of hours (only 4 times a year) is a great way to get to know other members of the Parish.
No previous experience is required. Please look at our “Get Involved” page to see what other interesting opportunities there are to support your Parish.
Writing Cards for Sale

Blank writing cards featuring the beautiful stained glass windows of All Souls Church are available for sale at the entrance to the church. Packs of 6 cards contain a mixture of photographs of different windows.