Kay Hall is a small area that would be ideal for a meeting space or small group activities. It has large windows that create a light and airy space during the day.
Kay Hall is 66m2 in size with a sink, an urn and cupboards that hold basic necessities such as cups etc. It has two long folding tables and a number of comfortable plastic chairs suitable for meetings. A piano is also available for use.
Conditions of hire:
Cost per hour: $20 (plus GST) paid in advance
Public Liability Insurance: Hirers are required to hold Public Liability insurance cover for an amount not less than $5,000,000.00 and provide evidence in the form of a Certificate of Currency. If not already covered visit https://anglicanhalls.com.au/insurance-application
Cleaning bond: $100 fully refundable if hall is left clean and undamaged
Time requested to set up and clean up will be charged
Full conditions are available on request.
- Please refer to the following calendar to see if the hall is available. THIS IS NOT AN INTERACTIVE BOOKING CALENDAR.
- Contact Sue Crees: 0419 745 456 or allsouls1883@gmail.com to discuss Kay Hall rental details.
- Read the Conditions of Hire (above).