Get Involved!


Your commitment to offer financial support, as a token of gratitude for God’s generosity to you,  is greatly appreciated.  A regular  commitment, anonymous or identified, enables All Souls to perform Parish and outreach  activities with the confidence of a reliable income for the coming year.  Contributions can be made through the open plate, weekly envelopes or by Direct Debit. 

To commit your regular support to All Souls’ Parish,  please download the 2024 Planned Giving Form and

Direct Debit contributions can be made to:
Parish of All Souls St Peters:
BSB:  105 169
Account:  759 245 140


All Souls Parish could not continue to operate without the support of volunteers.  Many dedicated people help regularly (or occasionally) by keeping the church and grounds looking tidy, joining Parish Council, assisting during services, greeting visitors and handing out books, setting up the morning tea trolley for after-service fellowship etc.

As with all communities, people leave or are unable to continue in their chosen role.  If you would like to know what is involved in helping to keep All Souls’ Parish alive and thriving, please contact Julia or talk with current volunteers.  It doesn’t have to be a large commitment of time or effort, and is a wonderful way to get to know other Parishioners.

Some of the many ways in which you can help are:

  • Lay Assistant
  • Sides-persons (Greeting arrivals, handing out books, taking up collections)
  • Reading the lessons at services
  • Joining the morning tea roster
  • Cleaning brass
  • Arranging flowers
  • Singing or playing music
  • Helping at working bees
  • Joining Parish Council
