What did we do during the 2020 closures?

The Covid 19 Pandemic meant churches were closed for services at the end of March 2020.

Julia blessed the palm crosses in an empty church.







Good Friday was observed and the Pascal candle was lit on Easter Day in the empty church as Julia kept everyone in touch through prayer, and with a little help from technology.








Repairs were made to a fallen arch at the entrance to the church, and two endangered windows were repaired and returned to their places.


Drive-through church offered prayers, blessings and some outdoor gossip-at-a-distance. 

Skype coffee and chat sessions also kept people in touch.

The church bells rang every day at 12 noon to remind all who could hear that they were not alone. 

Meanwhile, parishioners were also busy and shared their activities. See what they were doing by clicking below:

From a Distance in 2020

Some services resumed in June with all services returning at the beginning of July. A combined Service of Celebration was held  at the end of August.